Join forces with the external college community and industry partners to initiate an open dialogue centered around creative design, entertainment and equitable inclusion.

Social Media Campaign

The SCAD Impact Conference is a new and developing conference hosted by Savannah College of Art & Design to join surrounding Georgia HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) in the effort to bring more inclusivity to the tech and entertainment industry.

November 3rd, 2021 marked the start of SCAD's first annual Impact Conference, which lasted 3 days, featuring speakers from companies like Facebook, RapPlug and SavageXFenty and a design competition where students could win prizes.

Not just any student conference

The challenge

I was asked to be the art director for the first ever SCAD Impact Conference during Fall 2021. As this was a completely fresh new experience that most people in the student body had yet to hear about, my team and I had to create a brand identity, find speakers and sponsors and get the word out to as many people as possible about the conference in less than 3 months.

The solution

Within these 3 months, I created the brand identity of Impact. Focusing on the theme how we as individuals can make an impact in our everyday lives that affects everyone around us. The logo, advertising materials, and social media campaign focus revolve around funky bold motifs and the image of a simplified meteorite.


The logo shows a meteorite crashing into the word impact. Underneath are the words: Music, Equity & Tech. The meteor crashed into the "IM" represents the ripple effect the conference is trying to make in the music and tech industries.

Outreach Deck

As a new conference, Impact focused on getting sponsors, speakers, and judges for the design challenge. This outreach deck shows the event descriptions and schedule to get people interested in supporting.

Social media Campaign

The social media campaign separates the 3-day conference and offers information about the different panels students can tune into.

xt Project
Sunscreen Infographic
Coraline Typographic Novella